Friday, April 20, 2012

North Command Community Update

The following crime summary is provided by the North Station Police Captain:


This information is provided soyou can have a timely snapshot of significant events in our community. It isour intention to list suspect apprehensions and crimes of interest (i.e.,robberies, assaults, burglaries, homicides), traffic enforcement efforts, andconditions caused by natural events (flooding, road closures, etc.) You mayshare this information with your family, friends and neighbors. The crimesreported here are preliminary investigations, taken in the field by patrolofficers, and may or may not be assigned to a Detective for furtherinvestigation.

Call in ALL suspicious ActivityALL the time!!  If you know anyone that would like to be added to thisemail update group – send me their email address and they will be added. 

If you observe a crime inprogress call 9-1-1 (732-0100 from your cell phone).  For non-emergencyincidents, call (916) 264—5471.  If you have information regarding some ofthe above crimes please call Crime Alert at 443-HELP or 1-800-AA-CRIME. (You can remain anonymous) 

The "crime summary" tab on:  has been updated and nowincludes the link to real time data from You can enroll andreceive your own customized alerts and reports.

The page for all your crime data needs:

To sign up for "eNotify" and receive our updates onhelicopter activity, daily patrol logs/activity, and press releases:

Hello Community Members,

This week is National Volunteer AppreciationWeek.  For the Police Department, we are fortunate to have many greatvolunteers.  The volunteers assigned out of the North Command can be seenweekly patrolling neighborhoods looking for vacant homes needing board ups,abandoned cars needing to be towed, signing off fix it tickets, and addingvisibility to areas that are trending up in crime.  Our volunteers wearwhite shirts with police patches and drive in a white PT Cruiser with policeemblems so if you see them offer them your thanks and ask them how you canbecome a volunteer as well. 

This week’s crime numbers show that we aretrending upward a bit in business robberies and felony assaults.  We aregoing to target those areas that are showing an uptick in robberies withadditional focus to see if more police presence will drive the incidentsdown.  On the felony assaults some of the incidents are attributed to aslight increase of gang activity and the others are connected to robberies. Amongst the areas of focus will be along the Northgate and Del Paso Blvdcorridors. 

We are starting to get nicer weather whichtraditionally means more calls for service and more activity, so stay vigilantin watching out for each other and calling the police on suspiciousactivity. 

District 1 (South and North Natomas):

·        OnApril 14th (Sat), officers responded to subjects fighting nearNorthgate Blvd/ San Juan Road at around 9:15 p.m.  All subjects left whenofficers arrived.  This was a gathering for a one year remembrance of asubject that was killed last year at the location that was gang related. Weare starting to see more gang activity but our Gang Detectives and GangEnforcement Team are actively working on the issue and making some greatarrests.
·        OnApril 16th (Monday), officers responded to a business burglary alarmin the 2600 block of Northgate Blvd.  Officer spotted a vehicle leavingthe area and followed it.  The occupants of the car stopped and ran. One suspect was caught immediately, one subject was caught by K-9, and thethird was not located.  Officers found two flat screen televisions thatwere taken from the business.   Great arrest by Officer Hastingswho has been catching a lot of bad guys the last few weeks. 

District2 (Del Paso Heights, Robla, Del Paso Blvd, El Camino, Woodlake):

·        OnApril 13th (Friday), officers responded to the 2500 block of DelPaso Blvd at around 6: 20 p.m. on a fight that broke out inside thebusiness.  During the fight a gun was pulled out and a struggle ensuedresulting in the gun going off.  No one was hurt during thisincident.  Investigation is ongoing.
·        OnApril 14th (Sat), officers observed a naked subject walking on RioLinda/ Arcade Blvd.  The subject began to attack the officers.  Theofficers were eventually able to arrest him and found that he had assaultedanother person as well.  The same subject was arrested the day prior forindecent exposure.  This week alone we had several officers attacked bysubjects.  Hopefully this is not a trend.
·        OnApril 14th (Sat), officers responded to 3200 block of MarysvilleBlvd at approx. 11:52 p.m. on a large fight.  There was a birthday partyat the park with a large group of teenagers.   When officers arrivedseveral gun shots were heard.  The shooter was not located and no one washurt.  Officers cleared the park.  There were gang members presentat this event and we will be monitoring the park closer for increasedactivity. 
·        OnApril 18th (Wed), officers responded to a vehicle that was drivingrecklessly and then seen brandishing a gun.  Officer Bevins and Smithlocated the car and found the gun.  Both occupants of the car werearrested.  Another great arrest!
·        GangEnforcement Team made a few good arrests of gang members in the 100 block ofCathcart, 2600 block of Rio Linda Blvd, 3800 block of Jasmine on variouscharges ranging from warrants, guns, drugs.  For all the bad thingsthese gang bangers are doing in our community we are making a lot of goodarrests on them.   But, arrests alone won’t solve the problem so getinvolved in your church, community, schools and reach out to the youth to keepthem on track and out of the gang life. 


Nothing to do tonight April 19th? Well come by the River Cats game tonight and support the Sacramento PoliceActivities League.  Purchase tickets at , select:  Sacramento P.A.L. and enter offer code: PAL.  Game startsat 7:05 p.m. with gates opening at 6:05 p.m.  Fun night out and for a goodcause. 

Enjoythe sunny weekend!

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