Friday, February 24, 2012

February Monthly Meeting - Neighborhood Watch Training

On February 15, several VVA residents attended the neighborhood watch training held at the WJ Kinney Police Station. At that training, the Sacramento Police Department provide valuable insight in to the making of a successful neighborhood watch program.

The goals and benefits to an organized neighborhood watch program is to do the following:

(1) provides an avenue for uniting a community and increases neighborhood cohesion;
(2) reduces fear of crime in a community;
(3) improves crime reporting by citizens;
(4) increases surveillance in a community;
(5) helps to prevent and reduce crime;
(6) creates a partnership between law enforcement and a community

Neighborhood watch is really about creating an environment where neighbors can meet and get to know each other.  By increasing involvement of neighbors in our community, neighbors will look out for one another.

VVA is fortunate in that it has a very active core group of neighbors.  We'd like to build on that by creating more opportunities for our neighbors to get to know each other.

In addition to the annual Easter Egg Hunt (hosted by our very own Dennis Boyd on Sorento) and the 4th of July Parade (hosted by long time Valley Viewer Libby Harmour on Tunis) and the semi-annual neighborhood cleanup and pot luck (hosted by the Angel family), our goal is to possibly organize walking groups (in the spring), where neighbors can meet and walk the neighborhood together and to host additional neighborhood events, like a National Night Out block party in August.

We're always open to suggestions!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Flood Control Town Hall

Senator Darrell Steinberg and Vice Mayor Angelique Ashby will be hosting a Joint Flood Control Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, February 25th from 1 to 3pm at H. Allen Hight Elementary School in the Multipurpose Room, located at 3200 North Park Drive.

For more information, please visit:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

County Happenings

While VVA is located within the boundaries of the City of Sacramento (District 1), we are also located in the County of Sacramento (also, District 1). Much of what happens in the County affects us.

Go to Phil Serna's (our Sacramento County Supervisor) website to see the most up to date info on County news:

Interested in Writing a Piece for the VVA Blog?

Are you interested in writing a post for this blog?

Let me know!

Interested in All Things District 1...

If you are interested in literally "all things District 1", our City Council representative and current Vice Mayor, Angelique Ashby has a great website that is a hub of information related to District 1.

This website really is a useful tool if you'd like to know what's going on or if you need help with City services.

Check it out:

Upcoming Neighborhood Watch Training

An opportunity for Neighborhood Watch training is available at the W. J. Kinney Police Facility:
Where:            W. J. Kinney Police Facility
                  3550 Marysville Blvd/Intersection of Marysville Blvd. & South Avenue
When:              Wednesday February 15, 2012
Time:               6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Trainer:           Jeannette Bonner - Neighborhood Watch Coordinator - Kinney

During this training session you will be provided with information outlining how to start and organize a neighborhood watch group.  This training will also provide insight into how you can be effective as a group in our community, and the roles/responsibilities of the Neighborhood Watch captains and co-captains. 

As part of this training, our neighborhood watch group will become part of the Sacramento Police Department (SPD), W.J. Kinney Police Facility Neighborhood Watch Group and the National Neighborhood Watch Institute.

If you are interested in attending this training, please contact Jeannette Bonner at the W. J. Kinney Police Facility to reserve your training spot. There are just 30 spots available. Ms. Bonner may be reached at (916) 566-6401, M-F, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

While this date conflicts with VVA's regularly monthly meeting, it is obviously of paramount importance given the recent incidents of crime in the neighborhood. Please let me know if you are interest in going so that we may have a group of VVA residents attend and report back to the group.