Tuesday, June 25, 2013

July Meeting Summary

Thanks to everyone who attended last week's neighborhood meeting, another great turnout. Special thank you to the Lopez family for opening up their home to the neighborhood! Great job on the back yard, it looks spectacular!

Neighborhood cleanup and yard sale download. Angela Angel provided a summary of last month's neighborhood clean up. Volunteers filled up the entire gigantic trash container! Thank you to Michel at Vice Mayor Ashby's office for arranging the delivery and pickup of the trash container and thank you to the folks at Waste Management for their generosity in donating the container for our cleanup! The yard sale, for those who participated, was also very successful.

Police Update. Officer Zeiger from Sac PD was in attendance and provide an update on police activities in our community. All has been relatively quiet in our neighborhood, except for the helicopter a few weeks back that was called out to assist with a domestic violence call related to the homeless encampment located south of the pump station on the east side East Levee Road. Neighbors inquired as to what can be done regarding removal of the homeless encampment, Off. Zeiger reported at he would look into the matter and report back to us at a later meeting as he was not on duty the day of the incident with the helicopter.

Update from Vice Mayor Ashby's Office.  Michel provided an update of upcoming events in the district. A link to those can be found in a prior VVA blog posting. Neighbors inquired as to the status of the train horn quiet zone application with the federal agency responsible for train traffic. Michel informed us that the application is  still pending.

Natomasbuzz. Also in attendance was Brandy Boyd, the editor of the natomasbuzz.com. Other than telling us how much she covets our neighborhood (unfortunately for sale homes in the neighborhood these days are few and far between), she talked about what she's doing with natomasbuzz . It's a great site will local news and other happenings. If you don't visit the site regularly, I highly recommend that you do so! You are welcome anytime Brandy, thanks for coming!

SMUD Discussion. There were SMUD representatives in attendance that provided an overview of the proposed fee increase. They also fielded many questions from neighbors. More about the increase can be found here: https://www.smud.org/en/residential/customer-service/rate-information/2013-residential-rate-proposal/2013-Rate-FAQs.htm

Solid Waste - Greenwaste Discussion. Representatives from the City's Solid Waste Division were in attendance to listen to neighbors concerns regarding the changes in greenwaste pick up. The biggest thing being the discontinuing of the claw service during most of the year. The claw will still be used during the months of November - December and January. The remainder of the year, we will be required to use a 90 gallon green waste bin.  Many voiced concern over the amount of greenwaste they produced and the inconvenience of having to utilize the bins. Others, especially those north of Barros, who wanted the ability to opt out of the greenwaste pick up all together, though there was not unanimity on this point. The bottom line is that the City will take our comments and determine if there is any level of flexibility for this service given the unique circumstances of VVA. Options will be brought back to the neighborhood at a future meeting.

There is no meeting in July, mark your calendars for August 21st, location TBD.


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